eHOME is the most advanced and adaptive emergency shelter in the USA.

The eHOME is a high strength disaster shelter using modular and prefabricated panels for individual applications.  eHOME’s modular panels are developed and constructed using the new and patented ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) and fiber reinforcement, similar to bullet proof armor and high tech ballistic materials.   Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), developed by G.tecz is not only used in the building industry, but also used for high-tech applications like high-tech facades, high load bearing applications, or machine parts for tools in the automotive industry. Technologies for cement bonded materials with ceramic and steel like properties are available and are more and more required in industry. Accompanying this trend, new reinforcement technologies that can improve the mechanical properties and or can improve the ecological benefit as required.  The properties of ultra-high performance concrete make it a suitable testing material for improving storm shelter strength and design


eHOME’s panelized design makes it flexible to adapt to the user’s needs. 

The design is available in a range of sizes from a small 6’-0”x 6’-0” shelters, to larger spaces which could be implemented into schools to serve as classrooms.

  • Safe
  • Single Occupant Safe House
  • Family Safe House
  • Classroom for schools...